Ray Hicks

Ray Hicks - Founder & CIO - Ray is an award-winning visionary with over 20 years of leadership experience. A proven problem solver, he has delivered innovative solutions for several enterprise and middle-tier businesses.

4 min read

Agent vs Agentless: Unifying Asset Discovery Under One Platform

The challenge of maintaining complete visibility across an organization's entire digital footprint has never been more critical. With the surge in devices, applications, users and systems, IT leaders face an increasingly complex task of safeguarding...

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3 min read

Fortifying K-12 Cyber Defenses During Spring Break

As the spring break approaches, it's crucial for K-12 school district IT and security teams to be on high alert. The tranquility of deserted campuses...

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3 min read

The NetFlow Advantage: Why SPAN Ports Fall Short

Investment in digital infrastructure is skyrocketing as companies work to improve operational efficiency and keep pace with the amount of digital...

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