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Managing the Rising Costs of CMMC Compliance

Written by Rich Pasewark - CEO, Board Director | Aug 29, 2024 11:32:29 PM

Small and medium-sized manufacturers play a crucial role in the Department of Defense (DoD) supply chain, contributing precision components, specialized tools, and custom solutions.

However, these businesses are now facing a significant challenge: the rising costs of complying with the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) 2.0 standards. 

As the DoD tightens its cybersecurity requirements, small and medium-sized manufacturers must find ways to meet these stringent standards without compromising their financial stability.

The financial burden of CMMC compliance

Achieving CMMC 2.0 Level 2 certification is not just a box-ticking exercise—it's a rigorous, ongoing process that requires substantial financial and technical investment. 

For small and medium-sized manufacturers, many of whom operate on tight margins, the costs associated with CMMC compliance can be daunting. These costs include initial assessments, the implementation of necessary cybersecurity measures, ongoing monitoring, and the continuous reporting required to maintain certification.

The reality is that CMMC compliance is essential for businesses that want to secure or maintain contracts with the DoD. Without this certification, companies are not eligible to bid on many lucrative defense contracts, particularly those that involve handling Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). However, the financial burden of compliance can make it difficult for small and medium-sized manufacturers to stay competitive.

Why CMMC compliance is non-negotiable

The DoD has made it clear that cybersecurity is a top priority. As cyber threats continue to evolve, the DoD has implemented CMMC as a way to ensure that all contractors meet a minimum level of cybersecurity readiness. CMMC 2.0, the latest iteration of this model, introduces more stringent requirements, particularly at Level 2, which applies to companies that handle CUI.

For small and medium-sized manufacturers, the stakes are high. Failure to achieve and maintain CMMC compliance could mean losing out on current and future contracts with the DoD. This is particularly concerning given that an estimated 25% of the DoD’s prime contracts go to small businesses. In a highly competitive market, CMMC compliance is not just a regulatory requirement—it's a business imperative.

The hidden costs of non-compliance

While the direct costs of CMMC compliance can be significant, the costs of non-compliance can be even higher. Businesses that fail to meet CMMC requirements risk losing their DoD contracts, which could have devastating financial consequences. Moreover, the reputational damage associated with a security breach or loss of a contract due to non-compliance can be difficult, if not impossible, to recover from.

In addition to lost contracts, non-compliance can lead to fines, legal fees, and increased insurance premiums. These costs can quickly add up, far exceeding the initial investment required to achieve CMMC certification. For small and medium-sized manufacturers, the risk of non-compliance is simply too great to ignore.

A cost-effective path to CMMC compliance

Recognizing the challenges that small and medium-sized manufacturers face, UncommonX offers a comprehensive CMMC Solution designed to ease the financial burden of achieving and maintaining certification. Our managed service provides a cost-effective, unified view of every system element that impacts compliance, allowing businesses to address stringent cybersecurity requirements without breaking the bank.

Our CMMC solution can be the first step in preparing for a CMMC process, or the next step in maintaining your certification with an programmatic and comprehensive platform. The UncommonX Exposure Management platform deploys quickly and efficiently, discovering all network elements and analyzing them based on pre-configured NIST factors. This fact-based data is aggregated, scored, and aligned with NIST CSF and NIST 800-171 standards, providing manufacturers with a clear, centralized view of their compliance status. This approach not only simplifies the process of achieving CMMC certification but also ensures that businesses are always ready for assessments.

Our platform’s continuous scoring and reporting capabilities allow manufacturers to track their ongoing compliance in real-time. This means that businesses can identify and address potential issues before they become major problems, ensuring that they remain compliant with DoD requirements at all times. By providing a single pane of glass for all compliance-related data, UncommonX helps manufacturers reduce the complexity of managing their CMMC programs and focus on what they do best: delivering high-quality products to the DoD.

Enhancing capabilities for comprehensive protection

UncommonX’s CMMC Solution is more than just a tool for addressing regulatory requirements—it’s a comprehensive platform that enhances your overall cybersecurity posture. In addition to vulnerability management, our solution offers event logging and a Security Operations Center (SOC) to maintain a consistent security posture across your organization. These enhanced capabilities provide manufacturers with the confidence that their systems are secure, their data is protected, and their business is compliant.

Moreover, our platform integrates seamlessly into existing environments, allowing for rapid deployment and broad scalability. This means that small and medium-sized manufacturers can activate and protect their systems in less than an hour, providing immediate value and protection. As your business grows, our solution scales with you, enabling you to offer additional services such as strategic vulnerability management and compliance programs, further enhancing your competitiveness in the DoD supply chain.